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Lesson 6

Today's Focus: Punch Combinations 1-6

Class Schedule 


Session A/B:

5 Minutes: Stretching

  • Toe Touch – hold 15 seconds then release (x2)

  • Neck Half Circles – 3 times

  • Shoulder Circles – forward, then backward (5 time each)

  • Arm Circles – Clockwise, then counterclockwise (x2)

  • Side Bends – 10 bends on each side

  • Reach for the stars – 10 seconds

  • Child pose – hold for 30 seconds


8 Minutes: Cardio

  • Run In Place
    - High Knees (1 minute followed by 30 second rest)
    - Heels Kicking your bottom (1 minute followed by 30 second rest)
    - wide-leg running (1 minute followed by 30 second rest)
    - Slow motion running (1 minute followed by 30 second rest)

  • Squats with Diagonal Jump (10 Squats with Diagonal Jump followed by 30 second rest) x 5


2 Minutes: Water Break

20 minutes: Boxing Fundamental: Punches 1-6

  • Demonstrate – Various Combinations (5 minutes)
    - Jab, Jab, cross, hook, cross
    - Jab, cross, jab, jab, cross
    - Uppercut, cross, hook, cross, hook
    - Jab, cross, hook, cross, hook
    - Jab, cross, jab, cross, hook

  • Combination Drills – (5 minutes)

  • Student Demonstration – Students create their own combinations and demonstrate it to the class (10 minutes)

2 Minutes: Water Break

5 Minutes: Cool Down/ Stretching

Key Terms

  • Combination Punch - a sequence of punches and movements that you execute to attack or counter your opponent


Drill Examples:

  1. Combination Punch Watch Example Video

    • After students have demonstrated the ability to perform the 5 combination punches that you have shown them. Have them partner off and create a few combination drills to present to the group. 

      NOTE: Safety is always the most important. The student throwing the punch should know that they are throwing very slow punches. If they are not able to follow instructions they must be asked to sit down and not participate and the a new partner must be assigned.​



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